Get your trip of a lifetime started the right way

The Travel Visa Company has a world of experience assisting young travellers in obtaining their Working Holiday Visas for Australia and New Zealand, in fact, that is where it all started for The Travel Visa Company over 25 years ago!

What is a Working Holiday Visa?

A Working Holiday Visa permits eligible applicants to travel to Australia or New Zealand for a holiday and to undertake short-term work to earn some extra money along the way. The be eligible for either the Australia Working Holiday Visa or the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa, you must hold a passport from one of the participating countries and be ages between 18-35 years, 18-30 in some cases.

Streamlined application process

Working holiday visa applications can be complex, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the requirements. The Travel Visa Company have extensive experience in processing these visas and can guide you through the application process.

25+ years of experience and knowledge

With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we've developed a deep understanding of the Working Holiday Visa application process and have helped countless individuals successfully obtain their visas.

Our Working Holiday Visa Services

    Need to discuss your requirements?

    To learn more about each service, please search for your destination for detailed information about each of our services. If you are still unsure, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your specific travel plans to determine which service is most suitable for you.

    Our phone lines are available Monday - Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm.

    Email our team
    01270 904 907